doctor wrapping woman's chest after breast augmentation surgery

Breast Augmentation: The Ultimate Guide

July 3, 2023

Breast augmentation has always been one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. It can improve one's appearance and self-confidence, as well as change one's life. Even so, getting a breast augmentation is a big decision, and if you're thinking about getting one, you probably have some questions.

We have had many patients over the years in the field of plastic surgery and understand the common concerns of patients considering breast augmentation.

There is undoubtedly a mountain of data to manage. Rest easy, and let me walk you through everything you need to know about breast augmentation and other related procedures to make an informed decision!

What are the Current Breast Augmentation Trends?

General Expectations "Bigger is better."

That is what most people believed and desired in the past. People nowadays prefer a more natural look, which I personally support. Because each person's body is unique, each aesthetic procedure (including breast augmentation) should be tailored to the individual. Communication between the client and the plastic surgeon is essential for developing a trusting relationship, managing expectations, and establishing goals that are acceptable to both parties.

At Reveal Surgery, we use software to simulate your breast augmentation using 3D images. This gives you a clearer and more visual idea of what is possible.

Preferences for Breast Implants

Breast implants were once the only option for people seeking breast augmentation procedures. With numerous technological advancements over the years, there are several options for breast implants. They each have unique characteristics such as shape, texture, and material.

People's preferences for implant materials and textures have shifted over the course of my career as a plastic surgeon, as they seek better results and fewer complications. Textured implants have recently been linked to a rare form of lymphoma. The majority of these implants are teardrop-shaped as well.

Breast Augmentation Techniques

When we look at the changing trends in breast augmentation, we can see that the fat transfer breast augmentation technique is advancing. Fat transfer breast augmentation is the process of harvesting excess fat cells from the patient's own body and re-injecting them into the breasts. Because fat cells are of your body's origin, unlike the foreign material used in implants, fat transfer is a more natural augmentation method than silicone-filled breast implants. It can even be combined with breast implants to provide the best results for the patient.

How Is Breast Augmentation Performed?

Breast augmentation surgery, for example, necessitates a thorough understanding of anatomy. The breast is composed of two major parts: skin and gland. To increase the size of the breast, the size of the gland has to be increased as well, bearing in mind the limits of the skin. But, like any other medical procedure, there is a procedure to follow. Before the main surgery, a thorough assessment and evaluation tests are performed.

Examining the Breasts Before Surgery

Every patient's body is unique, necessitating a customized treatment to achieve the best aesthetic results.

There are many things to consider when deciding on the best course of action for a breast augmentation.

This is to assist in deciding important factors such as whether fat transfer or breast implants are best, the proper implant position, and incision points.


Having breast augmentation surgery can transform your life. Learning as much as you can about the procedure and finding a reputable plastic surgeon are essential for a successful breast augmentation procedure.

If you are thinking about breast augmentation surgery, for any reason, Dr Ryan Marshall loves to start with a consultation. We can discuss your goals for surgery and your future plans and determine the best way forward for you.